Unfortunately, injuries are a part of the game and at times can force a player to miss extended time on the court.
At some point as a 🏀 coach, you will likely have to support a player recovering from an injury. Not every injury is season-ending, but there is always a recovery period.
Here are a couple strategies for helping your players bounce back from a long-term injury:
1) Let them be 😢 and mourn … for a short time. Emotions are a part of the healing and recovery process. Help them work through them.
2) Have them set realistic recovery goals. This is a great time for them to revisit, review and rewrite their goals.
3) Ensure they follow their therapist or doctor’s orders! They need to stay on track and be consistent.
4) Keep them connected to the team. Have them assist or take stats. Ask their opinion. You might be surprised about what you can learn from a player.
5) Make sure they don’t neglect their school work or become depressed. Some players might retreat from school and 🏀 if we don’t keep an eye on them. Keep your radar up.
6) Facilitate a conversation for them with a teammate/former player that had a similar injury. Sometimes hearing from another player who went through the reovery process can be more impactful and “believable" than hearing from a coach.
7) Add them to practice. If they can serve as a passer or rebounder use them on the court, have them do it. If they can dribble in place or balance on 1 foot, have them do it. Keep them involved!

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